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Amapolisa athi ukwesaba kwebhombu yaseSydney kwakuyinkohliso

Amapolisa athi ukwesaba kwebhombu yaseSydney kwakuyinkohliso

ESydney, abantu babesoyika xa ikharavani yayineebhombu.
Amapolisa athi yayikukuhlaselwa "kobuxoki" ngabantu ababi abazama ukuqhatha amapolisa.
Olu hlaselo loyikisa abantu, nokuba lwalungekho lokwenene.
Amapolisa akazange ayibize ngokuthi "ubugrogrisi" kuba abahlaseli babengazami ukutyhala ingcamango okanye inkolelo.
Umntu ophethe iNSW uthe isasoyikisa kakhulu abantu abangamaYuda.

Police say Sydney bomb scare was fake

Amapolisa athi ukwesaba kwebhombu yaseSydney kwakuyinkohliso

In Sydney, people were scared when a caravan had bombs.
Police say it was a "fake" attack by bad people trying to trick the police.
The attack scared people, even if it was not real.
The police did not call it "terrorism" because the attackers were not trying to push an idea or belief.
The person in charge of NSW said it was still very scary for Jewish people.

Rendered at 14/03/2025, 12:31:39 am

lang: xh