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Tub ceev xwm hais tias Sydney foob pob ntshai yog cuav

Tub ceev xwm hais tias Sydney foob pob ntshai yog cuav

Hauv Sydney, tib neeg ntshai thaum lub caravan muaj foob pob.
Tub ceev xwm hais tias nws yog "dag" tawm tsam los ntawm cov neeg phem sim ntxias tub ceev xwm.
Kev tawm tsam ntshai tib neeg, txawm tias nws tsis yog tiag.
Tub ceev xwm tsis tau hu nws tias "kev ua phem" vim tias cov neeg tawm tsam tsis tau sim thawb lub tswv yim lossis kev ntseeg.
Tus neeg saib xyuas NSW tau hais tias nws tseem ntshai heev rau cov neeg Yudais.

Police say Sydney bomb scare was fake

Tub ceev xwm hais tias Sydney foob pob ntshai yog cuav

In Sydney, people were scared when a caravan had bombs.
Police say it was a "fake" attack by bad people trying to trick the police.
The attack scared people, even if it was not real.
The police did not call it "terrorism" because the attackers were not trying to push an idea or belief.
The person in charge of NSW said it was still very scary for Jewish people.

Rendered at 14/03/2025, 9:59:52 am

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