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Kuthathwa umdwebo odumile eduze kweWhite House

Kuthathwa umdwebo odumile eduze kweWhite House

Umdwebo omkhulu eduze kwe-White House waphefumulela abantu abaningi.
Imeya yaseWashington, DC, ithe idolobha linezinto ezibaluleke kakhulu okufanele likhathazeke ngazo.
Umsebenzi kahulumeni waseGeorgia wayefuna umdwebo uhambe futhi igama lomgwaqo lashintshwa.
Abasebenzi sebeqalile ukususa umdwebo.

Famous painting near the White House is being taken away

Kuthathwa umdwebo odumile eduze kweWhite House

A big painting near the White House inspired many people.
The mayor of Washington, DC, said the city has more important things to worry about.
A government worker from Georgia wanted the painting gone and the street name changed.
Workers have started removing the painting.

Rendered at 14/03/2025, 9:18:34 am

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