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Icikope icaishibikwa sana mupepi ne Ng'anda ya Bufumu cilesenda

Icikope icaishibikwa sana mupepi ne Ng'anda ya Bufumu cilesenda

Icikope cikalamba icali mupepi ne Ng’anda ya Bufumu calengele abantu abengi ukumfwa bwino.
Umukalamba wa musumba wa Washington, DC, atile umusumba walikwata ifintu ifingi ifyacindama ifya kusakamana.
Umubomfi wa buteko ukufuma ku Georgia alefwaya ukuti ici cikope cifumepo kabili ishina lya musebo lyalyalwike.
Ababomfi balitendeka ukufumyapo icikope.

Famous painting near the White House is being taken away

Icikope icaishibikwa sana mupepi ne Ng'anda ya Bufumu cilesenda

A big painting near the White House inspired many people.
The mayor of Washington, DC, said the city has more important things to worry about.
A government worker from Georgia wanted the painting gone and the street name changed.
Workers have started removing the painting.

Rendered at 14/03/2025, 12:01:56 am

lang: bem