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Thura ŋic apɛi thiääk kenë Ɣön Ɣeer acï nyaai

Thura ŋic apɛi thiääk kenë Ɣön Ɣeer acï nyaai

Kë dït cï thuur thiääk ke Ɣön ë Löŋ acï kɔc juëc cɔk yök.
Bɛ̈ny ŋɔ̈ɔ̈r ëë Washington DC ee jam ye gendït anɔŋ kä juïc thiekic lëu bïk kek ya diɛɛr në ye mɛn.
Raan lui në akuma yic në Georgia acï wïc bï thura jäl ku rin ke dhöl bïk röt waar.
Kɔc lui acïk jɔɔk bïk thök ë thök nyaai.

Famous painting near the White House is being taken away

Thura ŋic apɛi thiääk kenë Ɣön Ɣeer acï nyaai

A big painting near the White House inspired many people.
The mayor of Washington, DC, said the city has more important things to worry about.
A government worker from Georgia wanted the painting gone and the street name changed.
Workers have started removing the painting.

Rendered at 14/03/2025, 12:14:48 am

lang: din