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Pindžardo pikturo paše o Parno Kher si lino

Pindžardo pikturo paše o Parno Kher si lino

Jekh bari piktura pasha o Bilo Kher inspirisardas bute manushen.
O sherutno kotar o Washington, DC, phenda kaj o foro isi le maj importantno buti te daral.
Jekh governosko butjarno kotar i Georgia mangla te nakhel o pikturi thaj te paruvel pes o anav e ulicako.
E butjarne astarde te len o pikturipe.

Famous painting near the White House is being taken away

Pindžardo pikturo paše o Parno Kher si lino

A big painting near the White House inspired many people.
The mayor of Washington, DC, said the city has more important things to worry about.
A government worker from Georgia wanted the painting gone and the street name changed.
Workers have started removing the painting.

Rendered at 13/03/2025, 11:59:59 pm

lang: rom