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Il-pittura famuża ħdejn il-White House qed titneħħa

Il-pittura famuża ħdejn il-White House qed titneħħa

Pittura kbira ħdejn il-White House ispirat ħafna nies.
Is-sindku ta’ Washington, DC, qal li l-belt għandha affarijiet aktar importanti dwar xiex tinkwieta.
Ħaddiem tal-gvern mill-Ġeorġja ried li l-pittura tispiċċa u l-isem tat-triq inbidel.
Il-ħaddiema bdew ineħħu l-pittura.

Famous painting near the White House is being taken away

Il-pittura famuża ħdejn il-White House qed titneħħa

A big painting near the White House inspired many people.
The mayor of Washington, DC, said the city has more important things to worry about.
A government worker from Georgia wanted the painting gone and the street name changed.
Workers have started removing the painting.

Rendered at 14/03/2025, 2:07:50 am

lang: mt