Politsiya ichida bomba bor lager topildi.
Lager Yangi Janubiy Uelsning Dural shahrida edi.
Politsiya bu rejani "soxta terror fitnasi" deb hisoblaydi.
14 kishi politsiya tomonidan olib ketilgan.
Politsiya hamon rejani kim tuzganini qidirmoqda.
✨ 📰 🤏
Politsiya ichida bomba bor lager topildi.
Lager Yangi Janubiy Uelsning Dural shahrida edi.
Politsiya bu rejani "soxta terror fitnasi" deb hisoblaydi.
14 kishi politsiya tomonidan olib ketilgan.
Politsiya hamon rejani kim tuzganini qidirmoqda.
Police found a camper with bombs inside.
The camper was in Dural, New South Wales.
The police think the plan was a "fake terror plot".
14 people were taken by the police.
The police are still looking for who made the plan.
Rendered at 14/03/2025, 11:25:38 am
lang: uz