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Polisi manamukan rencana bom palsu di Dural

Polisi manamukan rencana bom palsu di Dural

Polisi manamukan oto camper nan ado bom di dalamnyo.
Nan bakemah tu di Dural, Wales Selatan Baru.
Polisi manyangko rencana tu adolah "komplot teror palsu".
14 urang dibaok polisi.
Polisi masih mancari sia nan mambuek rencana tu.

Police find fake bomb plan in Dural

Polisi manamukan rencana bom palsu di Dural

Police found a camper with bombs inside.
The camper was in Dural, New South Wales.
The police think the plan was a "fake terror plot".
14 people were taken by the police.
The police are still looking for who made the plan.

Rendered at 13/03/2025, 10:55:25 pm

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