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Polisi meurumpok rencana bom palsu di Dural .

Polisi meurumpok rencana bom palsu di Dural .

Polisi meurumpok saboh kemah nyang na bom lam jih.
Keumang nyan na di Dural, Wales Selatan Barô.
Polisi jipike rencana nyan nakeuh "komplot teror palsu".
14 droe ureung dicok le peulisi.
Polisi mantong ji mita soe nyang peugot rencana nyan.

Police find fake bomb plan in Dural

Polisi meurumpok rencana bom palsu di Dural .

Police found a camper with bombs inside.
The camper was in Dural, New South Wales.
The police think the plan was a "fake terror plot".
14 people were taken by the police.
The police are still looking for who made the plan.

Rendered at 14/03/2025, 3:37:53 am

lang: ace