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Póilíní teacht ar phlean buama falsa i Dural

Póilíní teacht ar phlean buama falsa i Dural

Fuair póilíní campálaí le buamaí taobh istigh.
Bhí an campálaí i Dural, New South Wales.
Dar leis na póilíní gur "plota sceimhle bréige" a bhí sa phlean.
Thóg na póilíní 14 duine.
Tá na póilíní fós ag lorg cé a rinne an plean.

Police find fake bomb plan in Dural

Póilíní teacht ar phlean buama falsa i Dural

Police found a camper with bombs inside.
The camper was in Dural, New South Wales.
The police think the plan was a "fake terror plot".
14 people were taken by the police.
The police are still looking for who made the plan.

Rendered at 14/03/2025, 11:30:18 am

lang: ga