Adam Caporn 而家係澳洲籃球隊 Boomers 嘅新教練。Adam 之前喺華盛頓巫師隊做過助教。他幫 Boomers 喺奧運會攞咗銅牌。Adam 好興奮可以做 Boomers 嘅教練。
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Adam Caporn 而家係澳洲籃球隊 Boomers 嘅新教練。Adam 之前喺華盛頓巫師隊做過助教。他幫 Boomers 喺奧運會攞咗銅牌。Adam 好興奮可以做 Boomers 嘅教練。
Adam Caporn is the new head coach for the Boomers, Australia's basketball team.
Adam used to help coach the Washington Wizards.
He helped the Boomers win a bronze medal at the Olympics.
Adam is excited to coach the Boomers.
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