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Adam Caporn je nowym trenerem Boomersōw

Adam Caporn je nowym trenerem Boomersōw

Adam Caporn je nowym trenerem Boomersōw.
Boomers to australijsko drużyna basketbolu.
Adam pōmōg trenować mocka drużyn basketbolu w Australiji i Ameryce.
Pōmōg Boomerōm zdobyć brōndze na Igrzyskach Ôlimpijskich.
Adam je barzo szczyńśliwy, iże je trenerem.

Adam Caporn is the Boomers' new coach

Adam Caporn je nowym trenerem Boomersōw

Adam Caporn is the new coach of the Boomers.
The Boomers are Australia's basketball team.
Adam has helped coach many basketball teams in Australia and America.
He helped the Boomers win a bronze medal in the Olympics.
Adam is very happy to be the coach.

Rendered at 13/03/2025, 11:15:18 pm

lang: szl