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Is e Adam Caporn an coidse ùr Boomers

Is e Adam Caporn an coidse ùr Boomers

Tha Adam Caporn na phrìomh choidse ùr dha na Boomers, sgioba ball-basgaid Astràilia.
B’ àbhaist dha Adhamh a bhith a’ coidseadh na Washington Wizards.
Chuidich e na Boomers gus bonn umha a bhuannachadh aig na h Oiliompaics.
Tha Adhamh air bhioran gus na Boomers a choidseadh.

Adam Caporn is the new Boomers coach

Is e Adam Caporn an coidse ùr Boomers

Adam Caporn is the new head coach for the Boomers, Australia's basketball team.
Adam used to help coach the Washington Wizards.
He helped the Boomers win a bronze medal at the Olympics.
Adam is excited to coach the Boomers.

Rendered at 14/03/2025, 2:23:55 am

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