有個男人喺珀斯機場好嬲。佢搭唔到去峇厘嘅班機。佢跳過櫃檯打咗一個喺嗰度做嘢嘅女人。佢捉住佢,拉低佢,仲踢佢。其他人協助制止咗嗰個男人。佢要畀嗰個女人 $7500。
✨ 📰 🤏
有個男人喺珀斯機場好嬲。佢搭唔到去峇厘嘅班機。佢跳過櫃檯打咗一個喺嗰度做嘢嘅女人。佢捉住佢,拉低佢,仲踢佢。其他人協助制止咗嗰個男人。佢要畀嗰個女人 $7500。
A man at the airport in Perth was angry.
He couldn't get on his flight to Bali.
He jumped over the counter and hit a woman working there.
He grabbed her, pulled her down, and kicked her.
People helped stop the man.
He had to pay $7500 to the woman.
Rendered at 13/03/2025, 11:03:57 pm
lang: yue