Clear News Bites

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Homo aeroportus pervenit operarius cibo

Homo aeroportus pervenit operarius cibo

Vir in aeroporto in Perth iratus est.
Fugam Bali obtinere non potuit.
Super abacum desiluit et mulierem ibi laborantem percussit.
Et apprehendit eam, et attraxit eam, et recalcitravit.
Adiuvit populus, vetas hominem.
Debebat reddere $ (VII)D mulieri.

Man hits airport worker

Homo aeroportus pervenit operarius cibo

A man at the airport in Perth was angry.
He couldn't get on his flight to Bali.
He jumped over the counter and hit a woman working there.
He grabbed her, pulled her down, and kicked her.
People helped stop the man.
He had to pay $7500 to the woman.

Rendered at 13/03/2025, 11:15:51 pm

lang: la