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Dutton 講錯咗啲關於架van嘅嘢。

Dutton 講錯咗啲關於架van嘅嘢。

Dutton 先生話個計劃係一個大恐怖襲擊。
Burke 先生話 Dutton 先生唔小心,應該講對唔住。

Dutton said wrong things about a van

Dutton 講錯咗啲關於架van嘅嘢。

Police found a van with bombs.
Police said the bomb plan was fake.
Mr. Dutton said the plan was a big terrorist attack.
Mr. Burke said Mr. Dutton was not careful and should say sorry.

Rendered at 14/03/2025, 2:16:15 am

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