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Dutton sagði ranga hluti um sendibíl

Dutton sagði ranga hluti um sendibíl

Lögreglan fann sendibíl með sprengjum.
Lögreglan sagði að sprengjuáætlunin væri fölsuð.
Dutton sagði að áætlunin væri stór hryðjuverkaárás.
Burke sagði að Dutton hefði ekki farið varlega og ætti að biðjast afsökunar.

Dutton said wrong things about a van

Dutton sagði ranga hluti um sendibíl

Police found a van with bombs.
Police said the bomb plan was fake.
Mr. Dutton said the plan was a big terrorist attack.
Mr. Burke said Mr. Dutton was not careful and should say sorry.

Rendered at 14/03/2025, 2:12:07 am

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