Tub ceev xwm pom ib lub van nrog foob pob.
Tub ceev xwm hais tias lub phiaj xwm foob pob yog cuav.
Yawg Dutton tau hais tias txoj kev npaj yog kev tawm tsam loj.
Mr. Burke tau hais tias Mr. Dutton tsis ceev faj thiab yuav tsum hais thov txim.
✨ 📰 🤏
Tub ceev xwm pom ib lub van nrog foob pob.
Tub ceev xwm hais tias lub phiaj xwm foob pob yog cuav.
Yawg Dutton tau hais tias txoj kev npaj yog kev tawm tsam loj.
Mr. Burke tau hais tias Mr. Dutton tsis ceev faj thiab yuav tsum hais thov txim.
Police found a van with bombs.
Police said the bomb plan was fake.
Mr. Dutton said the plan was a big terrorist attack.
Mr. Burke said Mr. Dutton was not careful and should say sorry.
Rendered at 14/03/2025, 1:58:34 am
lang: hmn