Maphodisa a hweditše sefatanaga se se nago le dipompo.
Maphodisa a re go na le leano la go se be le molato.
Mna Peterson o boletše gore leano leo e be e le tlhaselo ye kgolo ya botšhošetši.
Mna Peterson o be a sa nyake go mo kgopela tshwarelo.
✨ 📰 🤏
Maphodisa a hweditše sefatanaga se se nago le dipompo.
Maphodisa a re go na le leano la go se be le molato.
Mna Peterson o boletše gore leano leo e be e le tlhaselo ye kgolo ya botšhošetši.
Mna Peterson o be a sa nyake go mo kgopela tshwarelo.
Police found a van with bombs.
Police said the bomb plan was fake.
Mr. Dutton said the plan was a big terrorist attack.
Mr. Burke said Mr. Dutton was not careful and should say sorry.
Rendered at 14/03/2025, 2:40:20 am
lang: nso