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Amaphoyisa athole inyoka ebhulukweni lowesifazane

Amaphoyisa athole inyoka ebhulukweni lowesifazane

E-Australia, amaphoyisa abamba owesifazane.
Wayephule okuthile.
Amaphoyisa abona inyoka ebhulukweni lakhe.
Amaphoyisa afake inyoka ebhokisini.
Lo wesifazane kumele akhulume nejaji ngo-Ephreli.

Police find snake in woman's pants

Amaphoyisa athole inyoka ebhulukweni lowesifazane

In Australia, the police caught a woman.
She had broken something.
The police saw a snake in her pants.
The police put the snake in a box.
The woman has to talk to a judge in April.

Rendered at 14/03/2025, 1:57:37 am

lang: zu