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Apolisi apeza njoka mu thalauza la amayi

Apolisi apeza njoka mu thalauza la amayi

Ku Australia, apolisi anagwira mayi wina.
Iye anali atathyola chinachake.
Apolisi adawona njoka mu thalauza lake.
Apolisi anaika njokayo m’bokosi.
Mayiyo ayenera kulankhula ndi woweruza mu April.

Police find snake in woman's pants

Apolisi apeza njoka mu thalauza la amayi

In Australia, the police caught a woman.
She had broken something.
The police saw a snake in her pants.
The police put the snake in a box.
The woman has to talk to a judge in April.

Rendered at 14/03/2025, 2:30:28 am

lang: ny