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Policeja atroda čyusku sīvītis biksēs .

Policeja atroda čyusku sīvītis biksēs .

Australejā policeja nūgiva sīvīti.
Jei beja nazkū salauzuse.
Policisti īraudzeja juos biksēs čyusku.
Policisti īlyka čyusku kastē.
Sīvītei aprelī ir juorunoj ar tīsnesi.

Police find snake in woman's pants

Policeja atroda čyusku sīvītis biksēs .

In Australia, the police caught a woman.
She had broken something.
The police saw a snake in her pants.
The police put the snake in a box.
The woman has to talk to a judge in April.

Rendered at 14/03/2025, 2:36:54 am

lang: ltg