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Awéwé dina kasulitan sanggeus orok maot di imah

Awéwé dina kasulitan sanggeus orok maot di imah

Dina 2022, orok maot saatos dilahirkeun di bumi di New South Wales.
Dua awéwé aya dina masalah jeung hukum.
Jalma-jalma nyarios yén awéwé ieu ngabantosan kalahiran, tapi henteu diidinan ngalakukeun padamelan ieu.
Pulisi nyebatkeun ieu salah sabab henteu ngagaduhan ijin janten bidan.

Women in trouble after baby dies at home

Awéwé dina kasulitan sanggeus orok maot di imah

In 2022, a baby died after being born at home in New South Wales.
Two women are in trouble with the law.
People say these women helped with the birth, but were not allowed to do this job.
The police say this is wrong because they did not have permission to be midwives.

Rendered at 14/03/2025, 12:08:14 am

lang: su