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Hende muhé den problema despues ku beibi a muri na kas

Hende muhé den problema despues ku beibi a muri na kas

Na 2022, un beibi a muri despues di a nase na kas na New South Wales.
Dos dama ta den problema cu ley.
Hende ta bisa ku e muhénan aki a yuda ku e parto, pero no tabatin mag di hasi e trabou aki.
E polisnan ta bisa cu esaki ta robes pasobra nan no tabatin permiso pa ta partera.

Women in trouble after baby dies at home

Hende muhé den problema despues ku beibi a muri na kas

In 2022, a baby died after being born at home in New South Wales.
Two women are in trouble with the law.
People say these women helped with the birth, but were not allowed to do this job.
The police say this is wrong because they did not have permission to be midwives.

Rendered at 14/03/2025, 12:08:43 am

lang: pap