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Žene u nevolji nakon što beba umre kod kuće

Žene u nevolji nakon što beba umre kod kuće

Godine 2022. beba je umrla nakon što je rođena kod kuće u Novom Južnom Walesu.
Dvije žene su u problemima sa zakonom.
Ljudi kažu da su te žene pomogle u porodu, ali im nije bilo dopušteno raditi ovaj posao.
Policija kaže da je to pogrešno jer nisu imale dozvolu da budu primalje.

Women in trouble after baby dies at home

Žene u nevolji nakon što beba umre kod kuće

In 2022, a baby died after being born at home in New South Wales.
Two women are in trouble with the law.
People say these women helped with the birth, but were not allowed to do this job.
The police say this is wrong because they did not have permission to be midwives.

Rendered at 14/03/2025, 6:52:50 am

lang: hr