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Telstra ku yáantik je'elel le llamadas telefónicas falsas

Telstra ku yáantik je'elel le llamadas telefónicas falsas

Telstra ti' jump'éel túumben nu'ukula' utia'al wáantik je'elel le llamadas telefónicas falsas.
Le nu'ukula' u k'aaba' Telstra Scam Protect.
Ku yáantik le máako'obo' in wojéeltik wa jump'éel t'aano' je'el u beel jump'éel estafa.
Le je'ela' ku beetik bixake' asab yantio'ob Núuk ti' le nu'ukul t'aan.
Ti' le ja'ab máano', le llamadas falsas tu beetajo'ob u le máako'obo' tu Australia perdiera ya'ab taak'in.

Telstra helps stop fake phone calls

Telstra ku yáantik je'elel le llamadas telefónicas falsas

Telstra has a new tool to help stop fake phone calls.
The tool is called Telstra Scam Protect.
It helps people know if a call might be a scam.
This makes it safer to answer the phone.
Last year, fake calls made people in Australia lose a lot of money.

Rendered at 14/03/2025, 1:18:06 am

lang: yua