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Telstra mbantu mungkasi telpon palsu

Telstra mbantu mungkasi telpon palsu

Telstra duwe alat anyar kanggo mbantu mungkasi telpon palsu.
Alat kasebut diarani Telstra Scam Protect.
Iku mbantu wong ngerti yen telpon bisa uga scam.
Iki nggawe luwih aman kanggo njawab telpon.
Taun kepungkur, telpon palsu nggawe wong ing Australia kelangan dhuwit akeh.

Telstra helps stop fake phone calls

Telstra mbantu mungkasi telpon palsu

Telstra has a new tool to help stop fake phone calls.
The tool is called Telstra Scam Protect.
It helps people know if a call might be a scam.
This makes it safer to answer the phone.
Last year, fake calls made people in Australia lose a lot of money.

Rendered at 14/03/2025, 1:20:04 am

lang: jw