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Petinju Jarvis sareng Thurman nyarioskeun kecap anu hartosna

Petinju Jarvis sareng Thurman nyarioskeun kecap anu hartosna

Brock Jarvis sareng Keith Thurman, dua petinju, gaduh gelut dinten Rebo di Sydney.

Jarvis ti Australia.
Thurman ti Amérika.

Jarvis ceuk Thurman geus heubeul.
Thurman cenah bakal tetep meunang, sanajan anjeunna heubeul.

Boxers Jarvis and Thurman say mean words

Petinju Jarvis sareng Thurman nyarioskeun kecap anu hartosna

Brock Jarvis and Keith Thurman, two boxers, have a fight on Wednesday in Sydney.

Jarvis is from Australia.
Thurman is from America.

Jarvis said Thurman is old.
Thurman said he will still win, even if he is old.

Rendered at 14/03/2025, 2:14:23 am

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