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I boxer Jarvis e Thurman dixan de poule gramme

I boxer Jarvis e Thurman dixan de poule gramme

O Brock Jarvis e o Keith Thurman, doî boxer, an unna battaggia a-a mercoledì à Sydney.

O Jarvis o l'é de l'Australia.
O Thurman o l'é de l'America.

O Jarvis o l'à dito che o Thurman o l'é vegio.
O Thurman o l'à dito ch'o guägnià ancon, ascì ben ch'o l'é vegio.

Boxers Jarvis and Thurman say mean words

I boxer Jarvis e Thurman dixan de poule gramme

Brock Jarvis and Keith Thurman, two boxers, have a fight on Wednesday in Sydney.

Jarvis is from Australia.
Thurman is from America.

Jarvis said Thurman is old.
Thurman said he will still win, even if he is old.

Rendered at 14/03/2025, 2:18:11 am

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