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Angbene patron ti Woolies awara fini kua .

Angbene patron ti Woolies awara fini kua .

Angbene patron ti Woolies, Ita Banducci, awara mbeni fini kua.
Lo yeke duti ande patron ti mbeni ndokua ti sarango a-événement so a iri ni TEG.
Ita Banducci aye aye mingi na lo yeke na ngia ndali ti fini kua ti lo.
Akota zo ti TEG, Ita Jones, ayeke fadeso président ti TEG.

Old Woolies boss gets new job

Angbene patron ti Woolies awara fini kua .

The old boss of Woolies, Mr. Banducci, has a new job.
He will be the boss of an events company called TEG.
Mr. Banducci loves events and is happy about his new job.
The old TEG boss, Mr. Jones, is now the TEG chairman.

Rendered at 13/03/2025, 11:56:33 pm

lang: sg