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Old Woolies jefe musuq llamkayta tarin

Old Woolies jefe musuq llamkayta tarin

Woolies llaqtapi ñawpaq jefe, tayta Banducci, musuq llamkayniyuqmi.
Payqa TEG sutiyuq empresa de eventos nisqapi jefe kanqa.
Tayta Banducciqa anchatam munan eventokunata, kusisqataqmi kachkan musuq llamkayninmanta.
Ñawpa TEG jefe, tayta Jones, kunan TEG umalliq.

Old Woolies boss gets new job

Old Woolies jefe musuq llamkayta tarin

The old boss of Woolies, Mr. Banducci, has a new job.
He will be the boss of an events company called TEG.
Mr. Banducci loves events and is happy about his new job.
The old TEG boss, Mr. Jones, is now the TEG chairman.

Rendered at 14/03/2025, 2:22:15 am

lang: qu