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O louante da sanitæ o fa ammalâ e moæ e i figgeu

O louante da sanitæ o fa ammalâ e moæ e i figgeu

Un operäio de un ospedâ into NSW o l'ea mouto da-o 2013 a-o 2024.
Aurieivan posciuo fâ ammassâ çentanæa de moæ e figgeu con l'epatite B.
L'ospiâ o l'aggiuttià 223 moæ e 143 figgeu.
I dirizzenti da sanitæ an dito che se despiaxan.
L’epatite B a fa mâ a-o figæto.

Health worker makes moms and kids sick

O louante da sanitæ o fa ammalâ e moæ e i figgeu

A worker at a hospital in NSW was sick from 2013 to 2024.
They could have made hundreds of moms and kids sick with hepatitis B.
The hospital will help 223 moms and 143 kids.
Health leaders said they are sorry.
Hepatitis B hurts the liver.

Rendered at 14/03/2025, 1:00:39 pm

lang: lij