Clear News Bites

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Lu camion casca supra na strata friquentata

Lu camion casca supra na strata friquentata

Nu camion cadìu supra na strata trafficata a Greystanes ê 6:30 dâ matina.
Cincu pirsòni àppiru firiti nichi, ma nuḍḍu annau ô spitali.
La strata era aperta ê 8:00, ma li màchini èrunu ancora lenti.
A genti ci dissiru di guidari pianu pianu.

Truck falls over on busy road

Lu camion casca supra na strata friquentata

A truck fell over on a busy road in Greystanes at 6:30 in the morning.
Five people had small hurts, but no one went to the hospital.
The road was open by 8:00, but cars were still slow.
People were told to drive slowly.

Rendered at 13/03/2025, 11:12:07 pm

lang: scn