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Amuna 10 adapezeka ndi mlandu wopha Girum

Amuna 10 adapezeka ndi mlandu wopha Girum

Amuna 10 adapha Girum Mekonnen mu 2020.
Iwo anamuukira iye ndi anzake pa paki.
Iwo ankafuna kuvulaza munthu wina chifukwa chokhumudwitsa m’bale wawo.
Amuna 2 sanapezeke olakwa chifukwa samadziwa za plan.

10 men found guilty of killing Girum

Amuna 10 adapezeka ndi mlandu wopha Girum

10 men killed Girum Mekonnen in 2020.
They attacked him and his friends in a park.
They wanted to hurt someone for hurting their brother.
2 men were not found guilty because they didn't know about the plan.

Rendered at 14/03/2025, 10:56:07 am

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