Amuna 10 adapha Girum Mekonnen mu 2020.
Iwo anamuukira iye ndi anzake pa paki.
Iwo ankafuna kuvulaza munthu wina chifukwa chokhumudwitsa m’bale wawo.
Amuna 2 sanapezeke olakwa chifukwa samadziwa za plan.
✨ 📰 🤏
Amuna 10 adapha Girum Mekonnen mu 2020.
Iwo anamuukira iye ndi anzake pa paki.
Iwo ankafuna kuvulaza munthu wina chifukwa chokhumudwitsa m’bale wawo.
Amuna 2 sanapezeke olakwa chifukwa samadziwa za plan.
10 men killed Girum Mekonnen in 2020.
They attacked him and his friends in a park.
They wanted to hurt someone for hurting their brother.
2 men were not found guilty because they didn't know about the plan.
Rendered at 14/03/2025, 10:56:07 am
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