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AFL jiċċekkja l-flus ta' Geelong

AFL jiċċekkja l-flus ta' Geelong

L-AFL qed tħares lejn il-ftehim tal-flus ta’ Geelong.
In-nies jaħsbu li Geelong jista’ jsib modi ġodda biex iħallas lill-plejers u lill-kowċis.
Dan il-kontroll mhux qed jgħid li Geelong għamel xi ħaġa ħażina.
AFL trid tiżgura li kollox ikun ġust.

AFL checking Geelong's money deals

AFL jiċċekkja l-flus ta' Geelong

The AFL is looking at Geelong's money deals.
People think Geelong might be finding new ways to pay players and coaches.
This check is not saying Geelong did anything wrong.
AFL wants to make sure everything is fair.

Rendered at 14/03/2025, 11:14:03 am

lang: mt