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Nova Dalai Lama non nascetur in Sina

Nova Dalai Lama non nascetur in Sina

Dalai Lama proximum Dalai Lama extra Sinas nascetur.
Vult novum ducem liberum ad Tibet adiuvandum esse.
Imperium Sinensium non convenit.
Dalai Lama in India habitat quod Tibet multos annos relinquere debebat.

New Dalai Lama will not be born in China

Nova Dalai Lama non nascetur in Sina

The Dalai Lama said the next Dalai Lama will be born outside China.
He wants the new leader to be free to help Tibet.
The Chinese government does not agree.
The Dalai Lama lives in India because he had to leave Tibet many years ago.

Rendered at 14/03/2025, 12:19:06 pm

lang: la