Pemain jangkrik sing misuwur, Brett Lee, duwe perusahaan bir.
Perusahaan ditutup amarga angel adol bir.
Perusahaan adol bir ing Malaysia lan AS.
Brett Lee nduweni perusahaan karo Matt Nable, penulis lan aktor.
✨ 📰 🤏
Pemain jangkrik sing misuwur, Brett Lee, duwe perusahaan bir.
Perusahaan ditutup amarga angel adol bir.
Perusahaan adol bir ing Malaysia lan AS.
Brett Lee nduweni perusahaan karo Matt Nable, penulis lan aktor.
A famous cricket player, Brett Lee, had a beer company.
The company is closing because it was hard to sell beer.
The company sold beer in Malaysia and the USA.
Brett Lee owns the company with Matt Nable, a writer and actor.
Rendered at 14/03/2025, 11:36:13 am
lang: jw