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Australien un Ënglant tuun spetsiaal kriichs xpiil xpiile .

Australien un Ënglant tuun spetsiaal kriichs xpiil xpiile .

Australien un Ënglant tuun een spetsiaal kriichs xpiil im mërts fon 2027 xpiile.
Tas sëlwich xpiil wërt in te nacht in een kroos xtat in Melbourne kehalt.
Tas sëlwich xpiil tuut 150 yoer fon kriichs xpiile fayre.
Tas eyerxte xpiil uf tëm plats waar 150 yoer tsurik im yoerkang 1877.

Australia and England to play special cricket game

Australien un Ënglant tuun spetsiaal kriichs xpiil xpiile .

Australia and England will play a special cricket game in March 2027.
The game will be at night at a big stadium in Melbourne.
This game will celebrate 150 years of playing cricket.
The first game at this place was 150 years ago in 1877.

Rendered at 14/03/2025, 2:22:19 am

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