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Mantan pemimpin Filipina, Rodrigo Duterte, sane katangkep

Mantan pemimpin Filipina, Rodrigo Duterte, sane katangkep

Rodrigo Duterte punika sane dados pamimpin ring Filipina.
Akeh anake padem ritatkala dane mimpin perang nglawan narkoba.
Ia katangkep sawireh anake ngorahang ia malaksana corah.
Pangadilan jagate maosang indike puniki mabuat pisan anggen ngwantu kulawarga mangda prasida ngamolihang sutrepti.

Former leader of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, is arrested

Mantan pemimpin Filipina, Rodrigo Duterte, sane katangkep

Rodrigo Duterte was the leader of the Philippines.
Many people died when he led a fight against drugs.
He was arrested because people say he did bad things.
The world's court says this is important to help families find peace.

Rendered at 13/03/2025, 11:57:34 pm

lang: ban